Cavalry Quarter Masters Depot

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References- Cavalry Equipment

Military Manuals


No. 1879 - Circa 1913 price list of U.S. military horse equipment

1872 Regulations for Equipment

Ordnance Report 1882

Ordnance Report No. 29 1885

Ordnance Manual of 1861

Care of Leather and Riding Equipment 1940

Ordnance  Report 1912

Ordnance Notes1883

Ordnance Annual report 1897


Published Books


The Pursuit of Pancho Villa---- William C Machado

Echos of Glory- Arms and Equipment of the Union Army

Confederate Saddles and Horse Equipment---Ken Knopp

The Horse Soldier Vol. 1-4---Randy Steffen

The American Military Saddle, 1776-1945

Stephen Dorsey & Ken McPheeters

American Military and Naval Belts 1812- 1902---Stephen Dorsey

Military Bridles---Stephen Dorsey

Internet Sites


Military Horse home page forums


Ninth Virginia Regiment of Cavalry

Cavalry Quarter Masters Depot